Fiona Arrigo started practicing in 1988, working with clients presenting symptoms of exhaustion, depression and addiction. She later established the first UK alternative retreat and detox centre Stop the World. Fiona ran a private practice in London and in 2008 she founded the Arrigo Programme, where she creates and holds tailor made day clinics and retreats. She also runs group programmes, seminars and lectures.
Fiona has a developed a profound reputation for extraordinary intuition which she brings into the treatment process with intelligence, warmth and humour in a very short period of time. She is passionate about working with women in the 21st century with all the stresses and expectations placed upon them.  She uses her experience and deep wisdom to encourage and empower bringing a new sense of self with heart wisdom, which truly transforms a woman’s internal reference and her outer circumstances.
Initial Consultation: £255
Follow Up Consultation: £170