Fit for business fit for life graphic


To register for the Company Awards you will need to first complete the Registration Form. We will then review your application and once approved payment can be made via:

1. Bank Transfer via BACS payment:

2. Cheque: Made payable to “Grace Belgravia”

3. Credit Card, contacting Grace Accounts on 020 7235 8900 Ext. 6

Upon receipt of payment you will be sent the Entry Form. This will be provided as a word document to be completed as a typed document and then submitted to no later than 14th October 2016.

We, the competition organiser, reserve the right to reject entries for any reason at our discretion, without prejudice. All information submitted in entries may be used in future publicity by the organiser to deepen understanding of the issues around health and wellbeing in the workplace.

It is the intention of the organiser to collate data and experiences into a report which will be made freely available to all entrants and it is a condition of entry that your application may be used to help compile the report. The organisers undertake not to identify individual entrants with individual pieces of data.

Individual Award
In addition to the Company Awards, we want to recognise the efforts of one individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the health and well-being of employees. Nominations can be made by anyone who has a detailed knowledge of the individual’s work and influence in this field. He or she does not have to be an employee of an organisation entered into the Grace Awards.

Indeed, they do not even need to be an employee of any organisation! They can, for example, be a campaigner, an academic or a volunteer who has a passion for organisational health.

We are looking for the following details about the individual to support their nomination:

  • A brief outline of the project(s) and how this has contributed to the field of employee health and well-being. In particular, we are interested in their personal:
  • Leadership and innovation
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Impact on metrics and effectiveness

Costs to Enter
Costs for entering each Award are set out below. On submitting your Registration Form, you will receive an invoice from Grace Belgravia.

Start-Up Award (less than 3 years old) £100 + VAT £120 Total
Small Company Award (under 100 staff) £150 + VAT £180 Total
Medium Sized Company Award (between 100 and 1000 staff) £250 + VAT £300 Total
Large Company Award (over 1000 staff) £500 + VAT £600 Total
Outstanding Contribution to Employee Health and Well-Being Award FREE FREE


Awards Timetable
Registration Forms will need to be submitted by 16th September 2016 and Entry Forms must be submitted by Friday 14th October 2016. After we receive your entry form, we will be in touch to arrange a one hour telephone discussion with Dr Bridget Juniper. The purpose of this discussion will be to ask you auxiliary questions about your programme to gain further insight and understanding. This will also be an opportunity for you to talk about your approach with our expert and test out any ideas you have.

The Grace Judging Panel will convene later in the year to choose the Award winners. The Judges’ decision is final.

You are welcome to send us any additional materials which support your Award entry. These might be screen shots of promotional materials, metrics you use to evaluate your programmes or a copy of your health and well-being ‘manifesto’. Our preference is that you send any supporting materials to us electronically. If this isn’t possible, please send hard copy to Grace Belgravia, Fit for Business, Fit for Life Awards, 11c West Halkin Street, London SW1X 8DF. Please note, we will not be able to return hard copy.


Entry Forms

The Entry Form for companies with details of the questions covered can be found by clicking HERE

The Entry Form for Outstanding Contribution can be found HERE