How to be Comfortable in an Uncomfortable Situation


Thursday, 9th July. 6.30pm – 8.00pm
Grace welcomes you to join us for a 90 minute Jiu-Jitsu workshop, focusing on self-defence awareness through the art of this ancient technique. The session will be led by Brazilian born, Gui Valente from Rio de Janeiro. Gui is owner and head professor of Valente Brothers, the premier self-defence Academy in the United States. Gui will walk through the key components of Jiu-Jitsu and work towards equipping you with the skills to triumph through use of human intelligence over the power of brute strength.
Jiu-Jitsu is a complete form of self-defence originally developed by the great Japanese warriors known as Samurai. Jiu-Jitsu means gentle art and represents the ability to manipulate the opponent’s force against himself rather than confronting it with ones own force. Gui Valente will help you to develop a greater understanding of the practice and equip you with a series of basic techniques.
Please kindly arrive dressed in comfortable exercise wear.
Following the workshop, we welcome you to join us for a delicious supper for £30 in the Grace Café.
This event is complimentary however booking is essential. Therefore to reserve your place and make a reservation for supper, please contact  or call 020 7235 8900 whilst quoting Jiu-Jitsu.