Likeminded at Grace “In wildness is the salvation of the world” ― Henry David Thoreau


Wednesday, 15th July. 6.30 – 8.30pm, Grace Atrium

Grace in collaboration with Likeminded, welcomes you to join us for a thought-provoking panel discussion exploring timeless themes for modern day success. The evening is curated by Laura Hofmann, Founder of Likette and Pia Stanchina, Fashion & Luxury Manager at Google UK on behalf of Likeminded.

The evening’s panel will be led by Sophie Hackford, Director of Wired Consulting and Wired Education and Colin Victor Dunsmuir, Yoga Practitioner for over 20 years and specialist in Yoga Teachings and aims to inspire and educate on the topic of optimising towards being a human. It will be followed by open discussion with the audience on how we can nurture humanness and reject the tendency to be as productive and efficient (robot-like) as possible, resulting in better quality of life in our technologically enabled world.

Following the talk, we welcome you to join us for a delicious supper for a set price of £30 in the Grace Café.

The event is complimentary, however booking is essential. Therefore to reserve your place and make a reservation for supper, please contact  or call 020 7235 8900 whilst quoting Likeminded.